
Remarkable Success even in Challenging Times

  On the top of Masada (Mayanot Israel/Birthright Israel Trip)  In the summer of 2024, Mayanot's Birthright Israel department achieved remarkable success against a backdrop of regional tensions, made worse by their coverage on USA news-media channels. As Israel continues its campaign of self-defense against Hamas and other terrorist organizations, Mayanot Israel demonstrated resilience and dedication in connecting young Jews with their land, their people and their heritage. Now more than ever, this mission is critical.  Despite the challenges facing Israel travel, Mayanot successfully brought  516 participants  to the country from May to July for their flagship 10-day Birthright Israel trip. This achievement did not come easily, but the department's dedicated team and partners worked 'round the clock to ensure that anyone that was committed enough - and brave enough - to come to Israel at this time was afforded the opportunity.  Complementing the flagship program was

Heartfelt Testimonials from Our 2024 Alumni

Shavuot Program At the Mayanot Shul

Shluchos Visit New Mayanot World Center

Unleashing the Power of Torah: Mayanot YouTube Channel's Explosive Growth

Mayanot Gives Special Shout Out to Shluchim Around the World

Student Tour at the Mayanot World Center