
Shavuot Program At the Mayanot Shul

Hope to see you  Shavuot  night at our Open Beit Midrash, bring a friend and a sefer and we will provide the refreshments and the space!  Chag Sameach!  Tikkun Leil Shavuot All Night Learning  Tuesday Night, June 11th, 2024 Open Beit Midrash For Individuals and Chavruta Learning  Men and Women Welcome  From 12:00am to 4:00am Class with R’ Shlomo Gestetner, 12:30 to 1:30am The Rebbe and the President,  Considering the State of Israel  The Mayanot Shul: 28 Narkis Street, Jerusalem Coffee, Tea & Refreshments Throughout the Night Free Entry For Inquiries Email  [email protected]   Note: Shachrit at Mayanot,  Wednesday morning, Begins at 9:15am  

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