Heartfelt Testimonials from Our 2024 Alumni

We are thrilled to share some inspiring testimonials from our 2024 Mayanot men's and women's programs! Their experiences at Mayanot reflect the deep connections, personal growth, and transformative learning that took place over the past year. A huge thank you to everyone who took the time to share their incredible journey with us. Read on to hear how Mayanot made a lasting impact on their lives.

"The Mayanot experience was life-changing. The personal growth that occurred from just sitting and learning was unimaginable. I was surrounded by kind and lively students and teachers. Everyone was so focused on the singular goal of learning that the growth and refinement occurred naturally. The help of the shluchim (student mentors) was also so impactful. It gave us students people our own age to go to and ask the personal day to day questions and live life with.

My Mayanot experience was amazing, and I wish I could have stayed for longer. I have been empowered to be more outward in my Jewish appearance, which is a big deal. Before yeshiva, I wanted to grow in my yiddishkeit (Judaism), but I really didn't know how to. I now feel better equipped and armed with the tools to grow without focusing on the growth but on the action (Ma’ase who ha'ikar). I also feel better equipped with the skillset to have a daily learning practice. I know I grew in my gemara learning which I had no idea how to do previously but was a real desire of mine, & I’m so grateful!"

Joshua H., Mayanot Alumni 2024

"Learning at Mayanot has inspired me to delve deeper into my yidishkeit. The teachers are amazing, and I have especially enjoyed studying Chumash and Tanach here!" 

- Eli R.B., Mayanot Alumni 2024

"It was amazing! I really learned how to learn! Six weeks ago, I never would have thought that I'd be able to translate a page of Talmud and yet here I am! It's incredible how much I've learned at Mayanot. I filled in a lot of gaps in my knowledge and built a strong foundation that I can continue to build on when I go back to school using the skills I developed here. I feel like I have a better idea of what I am doing and why, based on my time at Mayanot. I gained crucial skills which will allow me to understand and translate Hebrew texts. My goal is to finish Tractate Berachos one year from now!"

Max S., Mayanot Alumni 2024

"It has been an absolute pleasure to be at Mayanot during Elul! Every day is filled with inspiration and deep preparation for the Chagim. Exploring, learning, connecting, getting excited – that’s what the best Elul looks like."

- Shula T.Mayanot Alumni 2024 

"I went from a secular, non-practicing, borderline agnostic Jew to a proud Ba'al Teshuva, thanks to Mayanot. The program was inspiring, mind-blowing classes during the day, and great times with great people at night. One-on-one talks with other students was a real highlight for me. Taking on more mitzvot and making it a personal goal to live my life in a more Torah observant way is what I’m taking away with me. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience."

Leedor H., Mayanot Alumni 2024 

"I’ve only been at Mayanot a few weeks and it’s amazing! I already feel like I’ve grown intellectually and spiritually."

-Alona H., Mayanot Alumni 2024 

"The Mayanot experience is truly unlike any other. The family like environment empowered me to strive and come out of my comfort zone to serve Hashem with true joy! Rabbi Chazan taking me out for coffee and genuinely asking me how I'm doing, it made me feel like I mattered. I owe a ton of who I am and my Jewish knowledge to Mayanot. Without Mayanot I would be lost in exploring my Judaism. I am a lot more Torah observant now then I was when I first came. I am very empowered to continue to grow and strive to do my best. The program itself was amazing (students, rabbis, executive program, & shluchim) all were amazing. I am so glad I had this experience!"

-Jeffrey W., Mayanot Alumni 2024 

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