At 5:37am July 6th, 2023, the last Birthright Israel: Mayanot group of “Season 48” (Summer 2023) took off for JFK.
That’s 51 groups with 41.4 people per group for 2009 US participants and 103 staff. That translates to 98% seat fulfillment for the season!
Add 401 Israeli participants to all that and you’ve got 2,513 lives, Jewish souls, touched in one way or another. And, they’ve given us a 5.5 out of 6.0 overall satisfaction rating - that’s some happy people
And on top of all that we had our Special Needs/ Accessibility group in partnership with Philly Friendship Circle and the wonderful Rabbi Zev Baram! Oh, and their amazing Tour Educator, Aidel Margolin!
What a ride.
Thanks to our Mayanot: Birthright Israel team, to our executive leadership at the Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies, The Jewish Journey Ltd. - מסע יהודי team, Taglit-Birthright Israel, our trip staff, tour educators, medics, drivers, field coordinators and everyone else who made this season the rock-solid operation it was! Lchaim!
We can't wait for our upcoming season! Looking forward to seeing even more Jewish students journey to Israel!