International Mayanot Hakhel Events


Mayanot Celebrates the Year of Hakhel: Strengthening Bonds and Inspiring Connections with Alumni Globally!

As we embrace the spirit of unity, Mayanot is proudly dedicated to the Rebbe's directives to gather in unity, strengthen our connection to Torah in the year of Hakhel.

With a deep commitment to fostering lifelong relationships and continuing the educational journey beyond the classroom, Mayanot has organized a series of remarkable events for alumni and friends worldwide. Currently, there are over 10 events and shabbatons scheduled for this summer alone, attracting attendees from across the globe.

These gatherings and farbrengens, most in honor of Gimmel Tammuz, provide a space for reconnection, reflection, and inspiration, allowing alumni and friends to inspire one-another and engage in meaningful discussions together. Mayanot's dedicated teachers, are flying around the world to attend these events.

By bringing together alumni and friends from various backgrounds and walks of life, Mayanot is fostering an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity while embracing the timeless values that unite us all, namely a relationship with G-d, a love for Israel and care for our fellow Jews.

Mayanot invites all alumni and friends to join us either by attending or hosting your own event for family and friends.

Stay tuned for updates on upcoming events and seize the opportunity to be part of this transformative journey. If you attend, please be sure to share your photos with us by tagging 
#MayanotAlumni 🙏

Please see all the events listed below.