Celebrate the Impact of 26 Visionary Years!


Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies

Mayanot Vision

26 Years of Global Impact

The Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies has been guiding Jewish young adults with Visionary Education for 26 years of Global Impact. 

Our vision is to empower young Jewish men and women. We’re building leaders and fellow visionaries across the globe. Every Jewish person should be able to claim their heritage, develop a love of Torah, experience spirituality like never before, and take pride in their Jewish identity and their commitment to the land of Israel.

To power up the vision of 26 years of Global Impact, we are raising $2.6 million in 100 hours, and we can’t imagine it without you!

Join us for a crowdfunding extravaganza this December 11th to 15th (please note: 11 + 15 = 26; this is very important).

Keep an eye out for more #Mayanot26!

To give an advanced donation or create your team, click here: Mayanot26.com

We thank you in advance for your support!