New scholarship Marking Mayanot's 25th Anniversary
At the recent five-day International Kinus Hashluchim,
Mayanot launched their 25th year scholarship initiative.
In honor of Mayanot's 25th anniversary, 25 eligible students will receive a voucher for a $2,500 scholarship to Mayanot, to be presented when they apply. Rabbi Kasriel Shemtov, Executive Director, Rabbi Shlomo Gestetner, Dean, and Rabbi Yisroel Noach Wichnin, Rosh Yeshiva let hundreds of fellow shluchim know that this scholarship is now available to their students and community members and started giving out the scholarship vouchers to shluchim for whom it is relevant.
In addition to this 25th year initiative, there are also a number of other scholarship opportunities available as well. Our financial officer is well versed in the options and works with each student individually to direct them to relevant options.
With over two decades of experience, with thousands of students coming through their doors, Mayanot feels privileged to be the destination for shluchim around the world to entrust their students on their journey toward growth and connection to yiddishkeit.
For more information on these student scholarships, please be in touch with Mayanot directly: [email protected] |
Also available at:
(A Shliach holding up the Mayanot Scholarship certificate to give to his student)
(Rabbi Schneur Oirechman, shliach in Panhandle, Tallahasse,
who sends Mayanot many students, with Rabbi Kasriel Shemtov, on the Right)