Online Elul Class Recordings


At Mayanot, we believe strongly in the power of sharing Torah, spreading it and learning together. Therefore in addition to our Soundcloud and Spotify channels with thousands of hours of Torah online, we are happy to share our recent Zoom recordings with you to enjoy during these #Coronatimes. 

Feel free to watch the recordings of the Online Elul Program, by clicking on the links below. 


Women's Program

Rabbi Levitt: Hands on Teshuva

1. Link

2. Link

3. Link 

4. Link 

Rabbi Kaufmann: Chassidic Insights 

1. Link  The Spring vs Fall

2. Link   Elul & Tishrei 

3. Link  Chai Elul 

4. Link Slichos

5. Link Erev Rosh Hashana 

6. Link  Rosh Hashana

7. Link  Teshuva

8. Link Yom Kippur 

9. Link Succot 

Parsha Class 

1. Link  Ki Tesei with Rivka Marka Gestetner

2. Link Ki Tavo with Esther Shemtov

3. Link Nitavim/ Vayelech with Rivka Marga Gestetner 

4. Link Rosh Hashana with Rivka Marga Gestetner 

5. Link Ha'azinu with Rivka Marga Gestetner 

Mushky Shemtov: A Taste of the Holidays

1. Link 

2. Link

3. Link

Rabbi Schapira: Maamer

1. Link 

2. Link

3. Link

4. Link

Rabbi Newman: Practical Halacha 

1. Link

2. Link 

3. Link

4. Link 

5. Link

Esther Shemtov: Sichas from the Rebbe 

1. Link 

2. Link

3. Link

Rabbi Breitowitz: Contemporary Halacha 

1. Link

2. Link 

Men's Program

Rabbi Kaplan: Chassidic Discourses

1. Link 

2. Link

3. Link

4. Link

5. Link

6. Link 

7. Link 

8. Link

9. Link 

10. Link

11. Link 

12. Link

13. Link 

14. Link 

15. Link

16. Link 

17. Link 

18. Link

Rabbi Levinger: Step by Step Elul Guide 

Soundcloud playlist