Building Progress Update: February 2020

Our team is working hard to maximize efficiency as the project moves forward.
As of mid-February, the walls for all four upper floors have been completed.
We have begun to build the walls on the entrance floor level.

View the video to see the latest updates:

Introducing our amazing team:

Entrance level progress:

Basement level progress:

Safety Room Construction:

Our team is building safety rooms on each floor of the building. 

Here are photos of the fourth floor construction, below. Safe Rooms, also known as a "miklat" and popularly known as a mamad, is a reinforced security room required in all new buildings by Israeli law. It has reinforced concrete walls and ceilings, 20–30 cm thick floors, and airtight steel doors and windows. 

Stages of construction: First the outside wood construction is assembled, second the metal beams are assembled and reinforced. Third, concrete is poured inside and fourth, the concrete walls are covered with drywall and made to look like a regular room.

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