The Mayanot Leadership Gala

Join us as we embark on a new chapter in Jewish heritage, education and activism. This year’s Mayanot Gala Dinner will be celebrating today's leaders and honoring some of the most influential people in the Jewish world. To make your reservation, click here. 

Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies
Cordially invites you to attend
The Mayanot Leadership Gala
Tuesday, December 17th, 2019
19th of Kislev, 5780

Hilton New York
1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York City

Cocktails: Five Thirty, Dinner: Seven o’clock
Formal Attire, RSVP
$600 per person,
$1,000 per couple,
$360 young professional (under 30)

Guest Speaker
Joseph Telushkin , World Renowned Author

Hasten Family, Legacy Award
Cross River, Philanthropy Award
Exigent Capital Group, Eliezer Brender, Eric Davis & Simcha Mann, Builders of Zion Award - פרס בוני ציון

Mr. Steven C. Witkoff receiving the inaugural
‘Andrew Witkoff Memorial Humanitarian Leadership Award’
Miri Birk, Jewish Leadership Award
Dr. Rabiel Amirian, Maimonides Award
Robin Lovat, Alumni of the Year Award

More Information visit:
Questions, email: [email protected] or call: (212) 203-1014