Thank G-d, life has been good to the Mayanot students and alumni recently. We've had engagements, births, and l'chaims! So much to celebrate, so many people to congratulate. Almost hard to believe.
Let's take an overview of all the wonderful things that have happened all over the Mayanot world (Note: we weren't able to get everyone's pictures, so if you see yourself here, please send some in! And if we missed you completely, please comment and tell us).
Mazel tov to Ben Schechter and Chava Ginzburg on their recent engagement!
Mazel tov to Chaim Shalom Gross, Mayanot alum, on his engagement to Nechama Wagshul!

Mazel tov to Ben Schwed and Jamie Lee Goodwin, both Mayanot alumni, on their recent engagement!

Mazel tov to David and Miriam Malca, both Mayanot alumni, on the recent birth of their daughter, Gaelle!

Mazel tov to Pacey Lipkind, Mayanot alumnus, and Rivkah Shira Francis on their recent engagement!

Mazal tov to Chana Miriam Lester, current student of Mayanot and awesome Mayanot Insider contributor, and Alon Chanoch Golub!

Mazal tov to Tal and Talia Chaya Bloom, both Mayanot alumni, on the birth of a baby boy!

Mazel tov to Mayanot alumnus, Pascale Gozlan, and Tomer Chazan on their recent engagement!
Mazel tov to Jesse Kaufman, recent Mayanot alumnus, and his kallah, Rivkah Winderman!
Mazal tov to Rachel Pollak, Mayanot alumnus, on her engagement to Daniel Weisman!
Mazal tov to Mayanot lum Naomi Touger and Levi Grossbaum on their engagement!
MAZAL TOV TO ALL THE MAYANOT ALUMNI AND STUDENTS! So exciting, and we should only have more.
Let's take an overview of all the wonderful things that have happened all over the Mayanot world (Note: we weren't able to get everyone's pictures, so if you see yourself here, please send some in! And if we missed you completely, please comment and tell us).
Mazel tov to Ben Schechter and Chava Ginzburg on their recent engagement!
Mazel tov to Chaim Shalom Gross, Mayanot alum, on his engagement to Nechama Wagshul!
Mazel tov to Aaron Leaf, Mayanot student, and Dvorah Leah Brami on their recent engagement!
Mazel tov to Ben Schwed and Jamie Lee Goodwin, both Mayanot alumni, on their recent engagement!
Mazel tov to David and Miriam Malca, both Mayanot alumni, on the recent birth of their daughter, Gaelle!
Mazel tov to Pacey Lipkind, Mayanot alumnus, and Rivkah Shira Francis on their recent engagement!
Mazal tov to Chana Miriam Lester, current student of Mayanot and awesome Mayanot Insider contributor, and Alon Chanoch Golub!
Mazal tov to Tal and Talia Chaya Bloom, both Mayanot alumni, on the birth of a baby boy!
Mazel tov to Mayanot alumnus, Pascale Gozlan, and Tomer Chazan on their recent engagement!
Mazel tov to Jesse Kaufman, recent Mayanot alumnus, and his kallah, Rivkah Winderman!
Mazal tov to Rachel Pollak, Mayanot alumnus, on her engagement to Daniel Weisman!
Mazal tov to Mayanot lum Naomi Touger and Levi Grossbaum on their engagement!
MAZAL TOV TO ALL THE MAYANOT ALUMNI AND STUDENTS! So exciting, and we should only have more.